Lady Justice has abdicated

Lady Justice has abdicated

You think Germany is a country where law and order prevail? There is no corruption there and the torture prisons are in North Korea and Guantanamo Bay?

Please listen to what this man has to say. I promise: you won’t believe your ears and you might change your mind.

The original video can be found here:

What serious crime could this man have committed? Did he rob a bank? Did he perhaps rape a woman or walk through the pedestrian zone and stab people at random? Did he carry out a bomb attack or maybe even blow up our Nordstream 2 pipeline?

None of the above. His only official „crime“ is not having repaid a loan – which he was no longer able to do after the money intended for it was stolen from him in a devious trick and with the help of a German notary.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was a highly respected lawyer with a thriving law firm in Göttingen in the German state of Lower Saxony. He successfully sued large companies such as Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. This made him extremely unpopular in elite circles. In addition, during the pandemic he founded the so-called „Corona Committee“ to investigate the background and effects of the measures and to inform the population about them. The data from the Robert Koch Institute, which has now been published in Germany, prove that the critics were correct in their assessments.

Reiner Fuellmich has now been in custody for a year and he is not an isolated case. The list of whistleblowers persecuted and arbitrarily arrested by the state is long. Just recently, an officer in the German armed forces was sentenced to prison for refusing to take the vax – and this is happening – in 2024!

No, the justice system in Germany has not been functioning for a long time. It is – to put it in Reiner’s words – „a smoking pile of rubble“.

Please share this video with anyone who might be interested. And if you know someone who is thinking about going to Germany – for whatever reason – tell them to think about it again.

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